Donate to All Pro Dad

Your gift to All Pro Dad helps dads love and lead well.

See the impact of your gift

All Pro Dad Experience

Your gift of $50 helps support a share of the nationwide NFL/NCAA events in athletic facilities. At these events, dads and kids participate in designed activities to encourage bonding and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Donate $50

Play of the Day - Fatherhood Email

Your gift of $250 provides the creation and distribution of one Play of the Day email and social media post. These daily emails and social posts offer practical tips to help dads engage in the lives of their children.

Donate $250

All Pro Dad Podcast

Your gift of $1,000 will enable us to record an entire month of All Pro Dad podcasts. Our goal is to record episodes that share important parenting wisdom with fathers around the world. It has never been more important to be an involved dad. Your generous gift will help us inspire even more listeners!

Donate $1,000

All Pro Dad Chapters - School Program

Your gift of $1,650 allows us to establish a new All Pro Dad chapter. All Pro Dad Chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children that will strengthen their relationship, as well as benefiting the child’s school and the entire community.

Donate $1,650